1. To illuminate the college with the light of education along with an all around development of personality of the students.
  2. To prepare the students for Career opportunities in any competitive examination.
  3. To enhance the knowledge of the student community beyond their thought and imagination.
  4. To build excellent community relationship by striving to made the college a centre of art, culture and intellectual activities of the local people.
  5. To impart higher education in the discipline of Arts.
  6. To develop the inner potentialities in them to pave the way for a realistic life.
  7. To get introduced with career oriented programme.
  8. To develop the spirit of patriotism, dedication and service
  9. To provides higher education to the poor and backward students (SC, ST, OBC, MOBC, STH ) of its rural neighbourhood by developing their innate talents and qualities and unfolding their potentialities through its scholastic and non-scholastic activities.


The institution’s mission reflects the distinctive characteristics of the institution. The College caters to the educational, social, cultural and economic needs of the society. The success of the institution’s mission is driven by value-based ethical behaviour of its committed faculty members, staff and students. The College believes that all aspects of education focus on the core values of contributing to national development while keeping in view the philosophy of having professional ethics and a sound uniform ethical conduct. The mission of the College is not merely confined to imparting knowledge in the classroom, but is a means of reinforcing values of love, compassion, equality and justice. The College aspires to produce academically oriented, sensitive and responsible citizens who will contribute towards making our country a better place.  The followings are the mission of the college

  1. To evolve as a sustainable learning community resource and a leader in creating and disseminating knowledge.
  2. To establish and maintain partnerships with stakeholders for quality excellence.
  3. Suring employment opportunities through scholastic education and varied non-scholastic activities.
  4. Support cultural and ethnic diversity in the student community.
  5. Support cultural and ethnic diversity in the student community.
  6. Academic excellence.