Name of the Department : History
Year of Establishment: 1988 since the Establishment of the college.
Name of programme/Course offered: UG(B.A Regular)
Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research:
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
Specialization |
No. of Year of Experience |
Research |
Monikankana Sarmah |
M.A (History) |
Assistant Professor |
Modern |
09 |
Ph. D work in progress |
Initially, there was yearly examination system in Under Graduate course. The students had to appear part I (B.A 1st Year and 2nd Year) and part II (Final year)Examination but in the year 2011, our parent university (Gauhati University) introduced semester system in which the students have to appear on sessional examination and one final examination in a semester.
Course Outcome
Course |
Outcome |
Semester I |
HIS-RC-101b : History of India (from Earliest Times up to 1206 AD) |
Upon completion of this course, student will be able to explain the emergence of state system in North India. Development of imperial state structure and state formation in south India in the early period. They will be able to understand the changes and transformation in polity, economy and society in early India and the linkage developed through contacts with the outside world. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester II |
HIS-RC-2016 (History India) 1206-1757 |
Upon completion of the course, Students will be able to analyses the political and social developments in India between 1206-1757.Student will be able to explain the formation of different states during the period along with their administration apparatuses and the society, economy and culture of India in the 13th to mid-18th Century Period. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester III |
HIS-RC-3016 History of India(1757-1947) |
Upon completion of this course student will be able to understand the major factors that up to the establishment and consolidation of British rule in India. They will also be able to identify the process of growth of resistance against British colonial rule and the eventual growth of India nationalist movement, which ultimately led to the end of the British rule in the country. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester III |
HIS-SE-3014, Historical Tourism in North East India |
After completing this course, students will be able explain Tourism in North-East India with special reference to the historical moments cultural and ecological elements and places of the North East India country as tourist and heritage site of the nation. They will be able to relate to growing vocation of tourism as an industry and the applicability of Historical knowledge for its growing. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester IV |
HIS-RC-4016: Social and Economic History of Assam |
Upon completion of this course student will be able to analyses and explain the socio-economic History of Assam including among others the development of caste system, religious beliefs Agriculture and land system, the society organization trade and commerce, various agricultural regulation the emergency of middle class development of literature and press and growth of public association./td> |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester IV |
HIS-SE-4014, Oral Culture and Oral History |
After this course the students will be able to use Public memory as a tool and a source not only to write public history but also explore new knowledge in the humanities,Social sciences and even in disciplines like archeticture, communication syudies gender studies,English,History,Philosophy,Political Science,Religion and Sociology. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester V |
HIS-RE-5016 History of Assam(from earliest times upto 1826) |
This paper will give a general outline of the History of Assam from the earliest times to the advent of the British. On completion of this paper, students will be able to identify major stages of developments in the Political History of Assam from the earliest times to the occupation of Assam by the English East India company in the first quarter of the 19th century. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester V |
HIS-RG-5016 History of Europe (1648-1870) |
After completing the course the students will be able to explain the emergence of state system in Europe and the rise of inoderit. Student will be able to analyze the revolutionary upheavals of Europe that finally shaped the world. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester VI |
HIS-RE-6016 History of Assam(1826-1947) |
With the completion of this course, student will be able to describe the period of British rule in Assam offer in annexation by the imperialist force. They will also be able to situate the development of nationalism in Assam and its role in India’s freedom struggle. the course would enable the students to analyze the main currents of the Political and Socio-Economic developments in Assam during the colonial period. |
Course |
Outcome |
Semester VI |
HIS-RG-6016 History of Europe (1870-1939) |
After completing the course the students will be able to explain the major Political developments in Europe from 1870 to 1939.The student will be able to delineate row the rise of inters imperialist contest the world over. The course would also enable to students to analyse the cause and consequences of world wart and the developments leading to world war II. |
1st SEM |
19 |
27 |
46 |
3rd SEM |
0 |
04 |
04 |
5th SEM |
03 |
0 |
03 |
1st SEM |
15 |
26 |
41 |
3rd SEM |
5th SEM |
00 |
02 |
02 |
1st SEM |
17 |
17 |
34 |
3rd SEM |
15 |
26 |
41 |
5th SEM |
09 |
13 |
22 |
1st SEM |
10 |
13 |
23 |
3rd SEM |
17 |
16 |
33 |
5th SEM |
03 |
04 |
07 |
1st SEM |
05 |
07 |
12 |
3rd SEM |
07 |
08 |
15 |
60 |
46 |
106 |
5th SEM |
10 |
05 |
15 |
1st SEM |
35 |
14 |
49 |
3rd SEM |
05 |
09 |
14 |
31 |
50 |
81 |
5th SEM |
07 |
07 |
14 |
Student Profile (Year Wise)
Name of the Course/ Program |
Enrolled |
Total Enrolled |
M |
F |
B.A. (Regular) 2016-17 |
35 |
36 |
71 |
B.A. (Regular) 2017-18 |
15 |
26 |
41 |
B.A. (Regular) 2018-19 |
41 |
56 |
97 |
B.A. (Regular) 2019-20 |
30 |
33 |
63 |
B.A. (Regular) 2020-21 |
22 |
20 |
42 |
B.A. (Regular) 2021-22 |
78 |
80 |
158 |

Year |
Program |
Number of students appeared in the final year exam. |
Number of student pass in final year |
Pass Percentage |
2016-17 |
Regular |
5 |
5 |
100% |
2017-18 |
Regular |
3 |
2 |
66.6% |
2018-19 |
Regular |
2 |
1 |
50% |
2019-20 |
Regular |
22 |
17 |
77.2% |
2020-21 |
Regular |
6 |
5 |
83.3% |

SWOC analysis of the Department and Future Plan
- Faculty is aware and paid special attention to those students who are weak in learning. Remedial classes, tutorials are the measures taken by the teachers in each and every academic session.
- Impressive result of Final Examinations.
- Increasing student’s strength in the subject.
- Departmental Library.
- Single Teacher.
- Faculty strength is not sufficient because it is single Teacher Department.
- ICT enabled Classroom for department is not sufficient.
- Limited departmental resources for faculty and students.
- In spite of having its limitations, the department tries to render quality education, encourages and prepares students for building their higher academic career.
It is seen that having a concept of difficulty for scoring marks in History students show less interest to take History as a subject in UG course. It would be fruitful of students can be taken to regular field visit to take places and monuments of Assam having historical significance which have contributed a lot to the enrich History of Assam. Though there is a provision of field visit in semester III. According to the syllabus, but it is insufficient to encourage students to study History as a Subject.
Best Practices:
- Departmental Quiz is organized.
- Introduction of Google Classroom
Teaching Methods:
In addition to the traditional chalk and talk method classes, special interactive classes are taken by applying group discussion, question-answer and demonstration method are arranged to encourage the students and thereby improve their learning. Fifty Percent(50%) classes are taken through the use of technology by means of slide show presentation. Remedial classes have been taking for the slow learners which is selecting on the basic of class performance and assessment.
Department Library:
Our Department has a library having a small collection books contains textbook and reference books which is basically donated by the students and alumni. A separate book issue register has maintained by the department. Student can borrow books in every working day.