Message From Principal's Desk

At the outset, I would like to express my gratitude to the concerned authority for having a privilege to serve as the Principal of Hatichong College. The College has a well-built infrastructure to meet up all the requirements of the student community. I wish that our College has been successful in providing quality education to its students so that they having left the portals of our College may compete on to the world-stage as IAS, IPS, and APSC etc. The College may consolidate its position much stronger after receiving the UGC grants 2 (f) and 12 (b) in respect of an all-round development of the overall Personalities of its students who are the future citizens of our country. In the world of Science and technology, we are vested with the responsibility of molding today's youth and must ensure their bright and well secured future. In its 33rd year of existence we are planning to turn the institution a center of excellence.

I greet the new-comers, guardians, well-wishers and faculty members whose co-operation is highly solicited for shaping the institute better than it used to be. I hope, the students, the teaching and non-teaching staff of Hatichong College will comprehend and appreciate the higher dream of education of Lt. Rameswar Bora and materials his dream by turning the college into a front ranking degree college of Assam. All should strive to make the Hatichong College in to a model College for the whole of Assam. I have the full reliance upon the teachers and the employees of our College in leading the College to come all the dreams true. Lastly on behalf of the entire family of this college, I would like to welcome each and every student to this glorious institution of knowledge. We always do our best for a better and bright future of each student.

Luit Hazarika
Principal I/C Hatichong College